Friday, September 10, 2010


This is a project we completed in Typography class experimenting 
with typefaces as shape and attempting to create an organic image
using shapes and parts of letters. I quickly discovered that this 
project was more or less to create a2D rubik's cube. NOT EASY. 
You run into problems trying to create cohesion between letter 
width,curve, and whitespace. It turned out to be incredibly 

The top left corner:
"G" - bembo (bold italic) lower case
For this quadrant of the piece I cut out the middle section of 
the "g" and rotated it 90 degrees clockwise. This part included 
the lower part of the bowl, the neck/link, as well as a small 
fragment of the loop which can be seen at the top left part 
of the quadrant. 

The top right corner:
"K" - baskerville (bold italic) lower case
For this quadrant of the piece I cut the middle section of 
the "k" and rotated it 90 degrees clockwise. This part includes
the section where the leg joins the arm at the stem. The stem 
as well as the lower part of the leg are the points that join to 
the top of the bowl at the center axis between the two quadrants.

The bottom left corner:
"A" - garamond (semibold italic) lower case
For this quadrant of the piece I cut the upper portion of the "a"
getting the top part of the counter. I then rotated it 180 degrees 
so that the whitespace in the counter lined up with the whitespace 
created by the neck and loop.

The bottom right corner:
"X" - didot (italic) lower case
For this quadrant of the piece I cut the middle/right side of 
a lower case "x" out and rotated it slightly clockwise to that 
the vertical stroke aligned with the arm from the "k" as well
as meeting the other letters to form cohesion in the middle
of the grid. 

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